Ask Experts Anything: We're taking your questions
Send us your own topics and questions to fact-check with experts
Hello everyone,
My name is Pablo and I’m part of the scientific editorial team at Metafact. I’ve got something exciting to share with you…
At Metafact, we’ve accumulated and verified over 3000 of the world’s top experts who have helped answer hundreds of questions which are all open and free. We have converted many of those answers into countless expert consensus articles and 31 Reviews on a diverse array of topics. A review is a broader topic we investigate in depth by asking many experts to check the evidence.
Every question and review is achieve by finding independent experts in the field from all across the globe to share the facts. Our PhD editors then compile their answers into an easy-to-digest format so you can get all the knowledge with a click.
We now want to open this up and let you be part of it. In the past, we have sometimes asked you to vote on a survey of 5 topics. Now we want for you to suggest us topics and questions, since we want to investigate issues our readers want to fact-check with experts.
Ask Experts Anything
Each month we’ll have an open post where you can suggest topics or questions to ask the experts. Just comment below in the thread below or reply to this email to send us your topics and questions. You can upvote them, we will add the most popular into a review or share them as an expert consensus.
We will be sending out this opportunity at the start of every month to give you a say on what we will be researching the following month. If you have any burning questions or any issues that you are curious about, don’t miss out!
May the facts be with you!