Are any stem cell therapies effective?
Hello everyone,
‘Stem cell therapies’ are one of the most exciting advances of modern medicine. In theory, stem cells can replace any part of the human body which has become damaged or diseased. Many stem cell clinics claim to cure all manner of conditions from autism to knee pain. Thousands of people travel the world to undertake stem cell therapies - but do they work? We asked 5 experts in stem cells, neuroscience, and oncology ‘Are any stem cell therapies effective?’, here is what we found…
Are any stem cell therapies effective?
5 out of 5 experts say ‘yes’
What are stem cells?
Stem cells can turn into different cell types. There are various classes of stem cells. For example, adult stem cells which are found in the bone marrow can only turn into blood cells. On the other hand, stem cells that are found in the developing embryo can turn into any kind of cell.
Are there any stem cell therapies which are effective?
“Yes - Some effective, clinically approved stem cell therapies have existed for some time.” says Dr Philippa Harding, an expert in stem cells from UCL in London.
Dr Vik Reebye, an expert in Oncology from Imperial College in London explains that “the most successful stem cell therapy has been around for over 4 decades- this is bone marrow transplant which has helped an immeasurable number of people from blood cancers, to genetic diseases.” Blood cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy often lose many of their healthy blood cells along with the cancerous ones. The stem cells in bone marrow can turn into all types of blood cells and multiply enough to replace all the healthy cells in the patient's blood.
What is the future for stem cell therapies?
We are only just beginning to tap into the huge potential of stem cells in medicine. Dr Barney Bryson, an expert in neuroscience from University College London, says some “therapies are still in their infancy but are beginning to bear fruit – such as transplantation of iPSC-derived retinal pigmented epithelial (RPE) cells, which has shown promise as a treatment for age-related macular degeneration… with recent advances in regenerative medicine, it is very likely that this type of therapy will become far more widely employed and that the range of treatable diseases will greatly increase.”
Are there any caveats to stem cell therapies?
As with all medical decisions, a balance of benefits versus potential side effects should be considered before having any treatments. There are a number of clinics that offer stem cell therapies which have not been properly approved. The FDA has urged caution in these cases, as these advertised therapies are illegal and potentially dangerous.
The takeaway:
Effective and safe stem cell therapies exist - but make sure to avoid illegitimate clinics.
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